GPS explained: a beginner introduction to positioning + GPX files in QGIS

Do you know how the GPS works?

Do you know how the GPS works? The global positioning system uses a few math tricks to compute your location in space.

I will explain you the concepts behind it and how to import GPX file into QGIS so you can import your running, hiking, biking tracks without any sort of issue.

Bartosz Ciechanowski GPS primer

🛰️🛰️🛰️ A satellite navigation or satnav system is a system that uses satellites to provide autonomous geo-spatial positioning. It allows satellite navigation devices to determine their location (longitude, latitude, and altitude/elevation) to high precision using time signals transmitted along a line of sight by radio from satellites.

🔴 What is QGIS?

QGIS is a professional GIS application that is built on top of and proud to be itself Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).

🗺️ Tales from the GIS?

Tales from the GIS is a geospatial journey into the fascinating world of Geographic Information Systems, telling you stories about nature and world.
